Monday 31 October 2011

STYLE NV - SHOPPING - Eerie Expectations

If you love hauntingly beautiful Miss Haversham style, faded decadence have a look at this Great Expectation interior styling shoot

All shot on the same location as the King's Speech.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

STYLE NV - RAVE - Sophie Cook Ceramics

There is a human quality to Sophie Cook's vases. Her arrangement in rainbow of tall, short, fat and thin porcelain remind me of a queue of people. Their thin necks holding up the lip 'heads', above a round body. I feel that Sophie herself, to some extent considers the vases to have personalities, when she says that she likes to see them "as a three dimensional still life that when viewed from different angles create new relationships between the pieces".

Each piece is hand thrown on her wheel and because of the fragile nature of porcelain, only three vases can be made a day.

Friday 21 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011