Tuesday, 25 January 2011

I can’t remember the first time that I saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but it had a profound effect on me; more so than I ever realised. It's being screened again at the British Film Institute in London to mark the 50th anniversary of its release and I went to go and watch it to relive the magic. I only realised then that I had subconsciously picked up many of Holly Golightly’s idioms. Like the way she mixes french phrases into her speech– I just mix them in to make those dull words like something a little more special – quelquechose just sounds so much more enticing!

When I first watched it, I was too young to fully understand the real meaning behind those jazzy’ lines, so I concerntrated on her style. Her clothes, designed by Givenchy, were simple, accessories were bold and her apartment, that her friend and publicist, O.J Berman again described as “ a dump” was classy yet quirky, and these two words sum up STYLE NV precisely.

Holly’s apartment is not about high end glamour. True her clothes certainly were , but if you look her apartment, it isn’t really that grand. The kitchen is plain, the shelving units has brackets screwed to the wall and her coffee table is an upturned crate (albeit with copies of Vogue on top). She was supposeed to be a It girl wannabe, looking for a sugar daddy, relying on stupid rich men to pay for her to go to the powder room. She didn’t have much money herself, but she had a quirky, glamorous style that was simply fabulous! She drank her morning milk from a martinin glass, kept ballet pumps in the fridge and her sofa was a half a roll top bath.

Set Designers Ray Moyer and Sam Comer designed Holly’s apartment, and were later nominated for Oscars for their designs but here are STYLE NV’s shopping guide to get the Gollightly look.


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